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Angelina Hanna - Castle Hill Speech & Occupational Therapy | Mary Dionisatos

Castle Hill Speech & Occupational Therapy

Dedicated to supporting your child with the best evidence based therapeutic interventions.
Angelina Hanna

Angelina Hanna

Angelina is the ABA Program Supervisor/ Senior Therapist with an extensive range of experience
when it comes to working with children with special needs, especially Autism and children with
down syndrome. Angelina has a passion for working with children who present with severe
behavioural issues due to her background in Psychology (Major in Behavioural science). Angelina
would like to further her studies with a masters in ABA / Autism.
Angelina is a trained RBT technician (BCABA). She has undergone ABA training, DIR training and
ESDM (Early Start Denver Model). Angelina primarily focuses on what each individual child needs
and will use the right approach based on each child.
Behaviour therapy focuses primarily on how negative behaviour can be altered to allow children to
respond to situations more positively.
Angelina loves integrating her experience with clients and families within a Multi-disciplinary team.
Angelina always gets fascinated by each child she works with and how there is always a function for
behaviour. Working through strategies with parents/carers has shown her how much progress a
child can make. She is continuously thriving to be the best support she can to the children she sees and their families.